Notre Dame wrestles in the Local East Penn League.
The League is K thru 6th Grade. You cannot turn 13 before season starts. Ages are 5 to 12. We have a beginners group and Varsity.
The Regular season runs from November 1 to March 1. We run an offseason clinic also.
Clinic will be starting in September prior to Season. Great way to get extra work.
We pride ourselves in a program that is 50 years old. Good coaching and good facilities. We have our own wrestling room and gym to accomodate 3 mats on Saturdays. We are all certified and implement protecting Gods children to provide a safe environment for your wrestler.
This year we will be following a lesson plan according to Cary Kolat and
Dan Gable. Two of the Best Wrestlers of all time. Gable is the best. WE Bring in guest clinicians and patronize Red Hawk Wrestling club. Many of our wrestlers did Red Hawk, Jody Karams camp, and Easton Gold Medal over the summer. We do scrimmage practices with Palmer Township, Bethlehem Twsp. Bulldogs, Quakertown and Bangor. If you want to wrestle this is the program.